  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: 500 Duluth City Workers Reach Union Contract, Avert Strike
    January 10th - 2:15pm
  • Power in Unity
    January 9th - 2:51pm
  • Happy New Year: In the States Roundup
    January 7th - 7:14pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Philadelphia Museum Workers Vote to Ratify First Contract
    January 7th - 3:01pm
  • Worker Wins: Providing Key Protections for Workers
    January 6th - 3:41pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Fontainebleau Las Vegas Workers Vote to Ratify Contract
    January 6th - 3:33pm
  • Union-Made Holiday Gift Guide
    December 11th - 3:48pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Pittsburgh Labor Collects Busloads of Gifts for Families
    December 11th - 3:13pm
  • One-Day Strikes Are In: The Working People Weekly List
    December 6th - 3:04pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Workers at Whiteboard Geeks to Form a Union with the Animation Guild (IATSE)
    December 6th - 1:29pm

Organizing: Health Insurance

Health care is one of the highest concerns of workers. The cost of health care keeps getting more expensive every month. How can any worker concentrate on their jobs if they are worrying about how they are going to pay for health care for themselves or their dependents? IBEW Local 7 negotiates health care for our members and their families. A few open shop contractors are providing health insurance for their employees, but often they charge extra for their families to be covered. IBEW Local 7 members receive family health care with no paycheck deduction. IBEW Local 7 has a healthcare plan that allows our members to provide, for themselves and their families, health coverage with no payroll deduction.