  • Black History Month Profiles: Chancelle Mulela
    February 13th - 3:18pm
  • The Time to Stand: What Working People Are Doing This Week
    February 12th - 4:33pm
  • Black History Month Profiles: Julian Ware
    February 12th - 2:50pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Workers at First Avenue and Sister Clubs Ratify First Union Contract, Secure 'Big' Raises
    February 12th - 2:30pm
  • Black History Month Profiles: Walter D. Andrews
    February 11th - 3:30pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: UFCW Local 400 Secures Settlements Over Wage Theft and Discrimination
    February 11th - 3:20pm
  • Solidarity is the Secret to Our Strength: In the States Roundup
    February 10th - 6:44pm
  • Black History Month Profiles: Denise Moore
    February 10th - 3:03pm
  • Service & Solidarity Spotlight: Nurses at Portland Legacy Hospitals Organize with the Oregon Nurses Association
    February 10th - 3:02pm
  • Black History Month Profiles: Allen D. Jones
    February 9th - 3:22pm

Political Action

Don’t squander the gift of Democracy

Our Democracy is a great gift that millions of men and women fought and died to defend. Let’s not squander it!

The Executive Board and Staff of IBEW Local 7 urges our members to get involved in the political process. This means not only going to vote on election day, but calling or writing your legislators, sending letters to the editor, and informing your friends and relatives about the issues important to you, your family, and your union.

We’ve provided some useful resources here that will help you to become a more involved citizen and a better union member. Be sure to check our web site regularly and stay in touch with Local 7′s leadership to keep informed about important issues. The more we pull together, the louder or voice is, and the better we can be heard by the people we’ve elected.